Monday 31 May 2004

Old stuff...

I had a kind of fake blog for a couple days (good example of how long I last... in BLOGGING!) For archiving's sake (I'm a librarian, I can't throw anything out), here are the few that I had made in the last attempt :
  • 2004||04||24
    If you learn nothing from me, know and remember this... Always, always, always have something to eat before you go grocery shopping. I have learned this the hard way. Hopefully you can learn from my folly.
  • 2004||04||15
    "Are you on the train?" "No, I'm IN the train." "Is the train moving?" "Yes." "How-" "Forward." "No, how LONG has it been moving?" "Ever since it started. There was a time when it was not moving, but that time has past. Now is the movement. The movement is now."
  • 2004||04||13
    Laughter is one of the only things that can cause physical pain and a great memory at the same time. Except that I never remember the best jokes and skits on tv. Sitting there laughing my ass off but five minutes later... "Remember that funny thing?" Nope.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

Reading this entry and the comment for 4/15/04 makes my brain hurt. I can vividly remember these conversations, me trying to get some idea of when you'd be home, and you making thing difficult. GAAHHH!