Wednesday 1 September 2004

Is that a bomb in your pocket...

Well, I'm officially a potential terrorist now. Walking from Herald Square to Penn Station I got stopped by a probably-very-nice-person-when-off-duty-but-well-armed-and-surrounded-by-hundreds-of-his-friends-who-probably-liked-picking-on-geeks-like-me-in-high-school police officer. He asked to see my train ticket. Which, I don't think is really kosher, legally speaking, what with the right to privacy and anonymity and what not, but anyway. Quite rude, he was. And ignorant. Didn't really know anything about the train tickets. Could have shown him a coupon to Nathan's and he wouldn't have known the difference. Not to mention the fact that I have been walking down that street for almost 4 years. And today I'm a freakin' suicide bomber. Dorky, pale, knock-kneed lil me. It is to laugh.

At least he was working. I wish I could get a job where I could stand around with a few hundred of my football buddies [hypothetically speaking of course, if football were say, in some alternate universe, interesting in any way... and I had more than a handful of friends...], eating donuts [really, I saw them], laughin' and jokin' and, um, packin'.


andiepoo said...

You should've picked a fight. That's all I'm gonna say.

Matt said...

*laugh* Yeah! I would have had a chance there! *laugh* Maybe next time... Although I think they're thinning out today. Maybe they sent a squadron or two out to commandeer a Krispy Kreme or something.

But seriously... cops are ok. Like I've said before, some of my friends and family are walking the "thin blue line". They just increase the possibility of bad situations when assigned by blockheads... *laugh*

Anonymous said...

And yes, it's true. New York City Police Officers do look like the Village People.