Saturday 11 September 2004

Read me, Seymour...

Book lending falls 30% as libraries turn to technology
Although I like books... I mean I REALLY like books... this is a understandable and unavoidable situation. At least for informational purposes, reading online is much more efficient than using a books most of the time. There are exceptions, but when the information is available online [and that's really a necessary condition], it's better to learn it there than from a book. Although books tend to be more comprehensive, that's not always true and there are issues of currency, flexibility of medium and ease of access at stake. Also, once a certain level of technology is reached, online information is cheaper than the same in print. And as a source of entertainment, there are many more technologically improved games and time-wasters (some just as valuable and enjoyable as reading your favourite paperback) competing for the dollars and the time of those who would otherwise curl up with a book. It has to be.

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