Wednesday 19 October 2005

Poor child...

I mean, I like some of Google's stuff and all but...
Dr. Kai writes, "When we first knew that my wife Carol is pregnant, I said, 'we will name our child Google.' [Karen Wickre. "We get letters (3)." Google Blog, 17 Oct 2005]

Please... Could there be a geekier name?


andiepoo said...

It could be just the really big number, the google... no, it isn't, hahahah. Jeez, poor kid...

Matt said...

Hell, even if it was, that's almost as geeky. Actually, if Google the company/search engine didn't exist, it might have been a cool name. Or at least a cool nickname.

andiepoo said...

Then they'd name the baby sister Leeloo (Dallas Multipass), hahah. :)