Wednesday, 22 August 2007

DailyLit: Read books by email and RSS.

Well I totally have to try this out: DailyLit: Read books by email and RSS.

My reading habits are erratic. Most of the people I know (or have known) either read nothing at all (at least no books) or read books regularly and voraciously. And I'm in both categories: sometimes I go for months without a book in my life and other times I schedule in regular time to read into my calendar and other times I spend every waking moment (even creating new ones) to keep reading...

This site might help me mellow out. Hmmmm...


andiepoo said...

I tried this out, too, a couple of months ago. Awesome, though from the looks of it, you can't finish "War and Peace" within a year at their regular pace. Hahaha.

Matt said...

Ok... I started "Beyond Good and Evil". That shouldn't take that long.